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Mini-course in Non-profit Marketing

A project within Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027

The project takes place in 2024-2025 and is organized in collaboration between the non-profit organizations Miromida (Latvia) and Ideell Marknadsföring i Sverige (Sweden) and is funded by the EU through the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society (MUCF)

Welcome to watch this free online self-study course in marketing for non-profit organizations! This course is designed for those already involved in civil society and non-profit youth organizations—or those who want to take their first step into this field. The course includes 5 interactive, voice-guided presentations with that you can check at your own pace. Course materials are provided in Swedish, English, and Latvian (Latvian – text-only, with English audio) with subtitles in these languages available for each video.

NOTE: If you connect to the internet via VPN, video presentations may sometimes appear unavailable. If this problem occurs, try turning off the VPN and refreshing the page.

Course topics:

  1. Introduction to Non-Profit Marketing

  2. Strategy, Vision, and Branding

  3. Crafting Effective Messaging

  4. Social Media Basics

  5. Social Media: Paid Advertising


  • Iryna Azaranka (Sweden) – co-founder of IMIS, with degree in marketing, pursuing currently master degree in strategic communication, and 10 years experience in Swedish non-profit sector as volunteer, employee and board member

Material in Swedish

Download PDF-presentations here:

  1. Introduktion till ideell marknadsföring

  2. Strategi, vision och varumärke

  3. Att nå ut med sitt budskap

  4. Sociala medier: grunderna

  5. Sociala medier: betalda annonser

Material in Latvian (English-speaking voice) 


Download PDF-presentations here:

  1. Ievads

  2. Stratēģija, vīzija, zīmola veidošana

  3. Jaudīgās ziņas izveide

  4. Sociālo mediju pamati

  5. Maksas reklāma sociālajos medijos

Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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